Thursday, 8 March 2012

The 2nd Post

A long time since I wrote the first and still I haven't written anything useful.

Anyway, just to keep my hand in - the second post - the one that describes in more detail the kind of subjects I hope to cover and why I'm doing it. The why is easy. To help me keep a record of what I've been doing the past 12 years of my life.

The subjects? The market research I've been involved in and everything that that encompasses.
I currently work for a market research company running the panel management and data quality team. As the job description suggests we deal with mostly panels - essentially a group of people that we ask to report on various things.

So what? Well, the job covers many aspects of data analysis, statistics, panel management, panel methodology and loads of other things. For example, recently I've been looking into how we can do more with geographic data and the responses of panel members to questionnaires.

In later posts I'll describe in more detail what I've done, how I've done them and what came out of it. And I'll end this post before it begins to sound too much like my CV.