Thursday, 1 August 2013

Excel macro to detect outliers


Automatically detecting outliers in a set of data is generally fairly difficult. There are various papers for example from the University of York or the University of Pittsburgh summarising the various methods. What follows is a description of one the most simple. It is useful for straight line data (univariate) or any data that can be made linear.

The macro just looks at the correlation of the whole data series and calculates, for each data point, the difference of the correlation from the total without that point.

The point with the highest difference is the point that affects the correlation the most and is the most likely to be the outlier.

The Macro

As per usual most of the macro relates to arranging the data and checking the inputs.
Function OutlierCorrelation(dataRange1 As range, dataRange2 As range) As Variant

    Dim OutputRows As Long
    Dim OutputCols As Long
    Dim output() As Double
    Dim vert As Boolean
    Dim ma As Double
    Dim i, j As Integer
    Dim totalCor As Double
    Dim cor() As Double
    Dim x() As Double
    Dim y() As Double
    With Application.Caller
        OutputRows = .Rows.Count
        OutputCols = .Columns.Count
    End With
    ReDim output(1 To OutputRows, 1 To OutputCols)
    'Check that dataRange1, dataRange2 and outputRange are the same size
    If dataRange1.Rows.Count <> dataRange2.Rows.Count Then Exit Function
    If dataRange1.Columns.Count <> dataRange2.Columns.Count Then Exit Function
    If dataRange1.Rows.Count <> OutputRows Then Exit Function
    If dataRange1.Columns.Count <> OutputCols Then Exit Function
    vert = False
    If dataRange1.Rows.Count > dataRange1.Columns.Count Then
        vert = True
        ReDim x(1 To dataRange1.Rows.Count - 1)
        ReDim y(1 To dataRange1.Rows.Count - 1)
        ReDim cor(1 To dataRange1.Rows.Count)
        ReDim x(1 To dataRange1.Columns.Count - 1)
        ReDim y(1 To dataRange1.Columns.Count - 1)
        ReDim cor(1 To dataRange1.Columns.Count)
    End If
    'Populate output with zeroes
    For i = 1 To OutputRows
        For j = 1 To OutputCols
            output(i, j) = 0
    'Calculate total correlation
    totalCor = Application.WorksheetFunction.Correl(dataRange1, dataRange2)
    If vert = True Then
        For i = 1 To dataRange1.Rows.Count
            For j = 1 To dataRange1.Rows.Count
                If i = j Then
                    If j > i Then
                        x(j - 1) = dataRange1(j, 1).Value
                        y(j - 1) = dataRange2(j, 1).Value
                        x(j) = dataRange1(j, 1).Value
                        y(j) = dataRange2(j, 1).Value
                    End If
                End If
            cor(i) = Correlation(x, y)
            output(i, 1) = Abs(cor(i) - totalCor)
        For i = 1 To dataRange1.Columns.Count
            For j = 1 To dataRange1.Columns.Count
                If i = j Then
                    If j > i Then
                        x(j - 1) = dataRange1(1, j).Value
                        y(j - 1) = dataRange2(1, j).Value
                        x(j) = dataRange1(1, j).Value
                        y(j) = dataRange2(1, j).Value
                    End If
                End If
            cor(i) = Correlation(x, y)
            output(1, i) = Abs(cor(i) - totalCor)
    End If
    OutlierCorrelation = output
End Function

The macro also needs another function to calculate the correlation:
Function Correlation(x() As Double, y() As Double) As Double

    Dim sx As Double
    Dim sy As Double
    Dim s1 As Double
    Dim s2 As Double
    Dim s3 As Double
    Dim k As Integer

    sx = 0
    sy = 0
    s1 = 0
    s2 = 0
    s3 = 0
    For k = 1 To UBound(x)
        sx = x(k) + sx
        sy = y(k) + sy
    sx = sx / UBound(x)
    sy = sy / UBound(x)
    For k = 1 To UBound(x)
        s1 = s1 + (x(k) - sx) * (y(k) - sy)
        s2 = s2 + (x(k) - sx) ^ 2
        s3 = s3 + (y(k) - sy) ^ 2
    Correlation = s1 / Sqr(s2 * s3)

End Function


Using the following data, which admittedly is very false:

The line was produced using y=2x+3 then adding uniform errors (8*rand()-4). I could have used normal errors using the norminv() function but it was easier using the rand() function on its own. It doesn't make too much difference for the purposes. I then changed the error on one of the points to be much higher. No prizes for spotting it and indeed a quick calculation of point-fitted line would quickly find it.

Using the macro gives:

The outlier is now very obvious. The correlation difference for the outlier is about 20 times higher than for the other points. For comparison the difference from the best fit line for the outlier is 6.5 time the average difference of the other points.

So this example is rather artificial but does mark less obvious outliers with real data.

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