The first thing we need to do is create a new module and set up some global variables. A dictionary object to hold a reference to the map object and ensure that the memory used by it doesn't get collected. A variable to hold the count of maps and a MapEvent object that will switch on and off events when switching sheets and books etc.
Public mcd As New Dictionary Public mcCount As Integer Dim clsMapEvent As New MapEvent
The next step is to create the subroutines that will enable and disable the map events. These subroutines are called from the MapEvent class.
Sub Set_All_Maps() Dim mc1 As New MapChart Dim cs As New VBA.Collection Dim chtNumber As Integer ' Will not work or enable events for active sheet if sheet is a chart sheet' ' Enable events for all charts embedded on a sheet' ' Works for embedded charts on a worksheet or chart sheet' If ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count > 0 Then Dim chtObj As ChartObject Dim chtnum As Integer Dim sp As Shape chtnum = 1 For Each chtObj In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects If Left(, 3) = "Map" Then Set mc1.MapChart = chtObj.Chart Set mc1.srcDataRange = range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(2, 2)).CurrentRegion For Each sp In chtObj.Chart.Shapes cs.Add sp Next Set mc1.reg_shapes = cs If Len( > 3 Then chtNumber = CInt(Mid(, 5, Len( - 4)) mc1.SetScaleLow Workbooks("surveyScience.xlam").Worksheets("MapSheet").Cells(chtNumber, 4).Value, Workbooks("surveyScience.xlam").Worksheets("MapSheet").Cells(chtNumber, 5).Value, Workbooks("surveyScience.xlam").Worksheets("MapSheet").Cells(chtNumber, 6).Value mc1.SetScaleHigh Workbooks("surveyScience.xlam").Worksheets("MapSheet").Cells(chtNumber, 7).Value, Workbooks("surveyScience.xlam").Worksheets("MapSheet").Cells(chtNumber, 8).Value, Workbooks("surveyScience.xlam").Worksheets("MapSheet").Cells(chtNumber, 9).Value End If mcd.Add mcd.Count + 1, mc1 End If Next End If End Sub Sub Reset_All_Maps() ' Disable events for all charts previously enabled' Dim chtnum As Integer On Error Resume Next For chtnum = 1 To mcd.Count Set mcd.Item(chtnum).MapChart = Nothing Next mcd.RemoveAll End Sub
Some things need explaining in the above code. Firstly this is all run from an add-in I've called surveyscience.xlam (available here, if you're interested). It contains a sheet called MapSheet that holds details of the maps that I've defined. This is used to update the properties of the map chart. Also, this will only work for embedded charts. Adding code for this should be fairly simple though. I didn't bother as I was using the maps for a dashboard.
The Map Routine
Finally, we need to define the subroutine to create the actual map. This happens in two stages. The first stage loads the map definition to memory, creating the region and region_bit objects along the way. The map created by this macro is based on the details held in the MapSheet worksheet. The variable mapRow passed to the subroutine is used to look up the details from MapSheet.The second part creates the chart object and draws the map over the chart. The macro is fairly long unfortunately.
Private Sub CreateMap(mapRow As Integer) 'Maps' Dim sdr As range 'Source data range' Dim mc1 As New MapChart 'New map chart' Dim co As Shape 'Base for map' 'Maxs and mins of map data' Dim minX As Double Dim minY As Double Dim maxX As Double Dim maxY As Double minX = 1E+200 minY = 1E+200 maxX = -1E+200 maxY = -1E+200 'Load file' Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim k As Integer Dim fileNum As Integer Dim mapFSO As FileSystemObject Dim mapFile Dim LineText As String Dim arr Dim header Dim regName As String Dim typ As String Dim mapRegs As New VBA.Collection Dim temp_reg As Region Dim temp_bit As Region_Bit Dim temp_point As MapPoint2D Dim temp_coord Dim defStr1 As String Dim wk As Worksheet Dim mapRange As range 'Add workbook if none exists' If Workbooks.Count = 0 Then Workbooks.Add End If 'Add worksheet' Set wk = Worksheets.Add 'Get path of map' Set mapRange = Workbooks("surveyScience.xlam").Worksheets("MapSheet").Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion Set mapRange = range(mapRange(mapRow, 1), mapRange(mapRow, 9)) defStr1 = Workbooks("surveyScience.xlam").Worksheets("MapSheet").Cells(mapRow, 2).Text Set mapFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set mapFile = mapFSO.OpenTextFile(defStr1, 1, False, -1) 'Extract data from file' Do While mapFile.AtEndOfStream <> True LineText = mapFile.ReadLine arr = Split(LineText, ";") header = Split(arr(0), ",") regName = header(5) wk.Cells(mapRegs.Count + 2, 1) = regName Set temp_reg = New Region temp_reg.setName (regName) temp_reg.setColour CInt(header(1)), CInt(header(2)), CInt(header(3)) If header(0) = "f" Then temp_reg.setFill (True) Else temp_reg.setFill (False) End If arr = Split(arr(1), " ") For i = 0 To UBound(arr) If arr(i) = "M" Then Set temp_bit = New Region_Bit typ = "M" ElseIf arr(i) = "L" Then typ = "L" ElseIf arr(i) = "z" Then typ = "z" temp_reg.addBit temp_bit Set temp_bit = Nothing Else 'Split point into x,y' temp_coord = Split(arr(i), ",") Set temp_point = New MapPoint2D temp_point.SetX (temp_coord(0)) temp_point.SetY (temp_coord(1)) If typ = "M" Then temp_bit.setStartPoint temp_point ElseIf typ = "L" Then temp_bit.addPoint temp_point End If 'Set mins and maxs' If temp_coord(0) > maxX Then maxX = temp_coord(0) If temp_coord(1) > maxY Then maxY = temp_coord(1) If temp_coord(0) < minX Then minX = temp_coord(0) If temp_coord(1) < minY Then minY = temp_coord(1) Set temp_point = Nothing End If Next mapRegs.Add temp_reg Set temp_reg = Nothing Loop mapFile.Close 'Create chart' Set co = wk.Shapes.AddChart co.Select 'Increase size of chart by 20%' co.width = co.width * 1.2 co.Height = co.Height * 1.2 'Change name so that we can identify chart as a map' = "Map_" & mapRow 'Assign active charts as map chart' Set mc1.MapChart = ActiveChart Set sdr = wk.range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(mapRegs.Count + 1, 2)) Set mc1.srcDataRange = sdr Call mc1.SetScaleLow(mapRange.Cells(1, 4).Value, mapRange.Cells(1, 5).Value, mapRange.Cells(1, 6).Value) Call mc1.SetScaleHigh(mapRange.Cells(1, 7).Value, mapRange.Cells(1, 8).Value, mapRange.Cells(1, 9).Value) 'Set properties of chart' ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=sdr ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered ActiveChart.PlotBy = xlColumns ActiveChart.Legend.Delete ActiveChart.HasTitle = False ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).Delete ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).Delete ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MajorGridlines.Delete 'Maxs and mins of plot area' Dim x1 As Double Dim y1 As Double Dim x2 As Double Dim y2 As Double x1 = ActiveChart.PlotArea.Left y1 = ActiveChart.PlotArea.Top x2 = ActiveChart.PlotArea.Left + ActiveChart.PlotArea.width y2 = ActiveChart.PlotArea.Top + ActiveChart.PlotArea.Height 'Background' 'Chart Area background' With ActiveChart.Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, -6, -6) .AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, -6, ActiveChart.ChartArea.Height .AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, ActiveChart.ChartArea.width, ActiveChart.ChartArea.Height .AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, ActiveChart.ChartArea.width, -6 .AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, -6, -6 = "Background" End With 'Calculate scaling factors' Dim mx As Double Dim cx As Double Dim my As Double Dim cy As Double Dim dA As Double Dim rA As Double Dim ex As Double mx = (x2 - x1) / (maxX - minX) my = (y2 - y1) / (maxY - minY) cx = x1 - mx * minX cy = y1 - my * minY 'Keep aspect the same' dA = Abs((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) rA = Abs((maxY - minY) / (maxX - minX)) If (dA > rA) Then ex = (maxY - minY) * (dA / rA - 1) mx = (x2 - x1) / (maxX - minX) my = (y2 - y1) / ((maxY + ex / 2) - (minY - ex / 2)) cx = x1 - mx * minX cy = y1 - my * (minY - ex / 2) ElseIf (dA < rA) Then ex = (maxX - minX) * (rA / dA - 1) mx = (x2 - x1) / ((maxX + ex / 2) - (minX - ex / 2)) my = (y2 - y1) / (maxY - minY) cx = x1 - mx * (minX - ex / 2) cy = y1 - my * minY Else mx = 1 my = 1 cx = 0 cy = 0 End If 'Draw parts of map' Dim reg_shape Dim t As Shape Dim rs As New VBA.Collection 'Cycle through regions' For i = 1 To mapRegs.Count 'Cycle through bits' For j = 1 To mapRegs.Item(i).getNumBits Set temp_bit = mapRegs.Item(i).getBit(j) 'Create new shape' Set reg_shape = ActiveChart.Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, temp_bit.getStartPoint().GetX() * mx + cx, temp_bit.getStartPoint().GetY() * my + cy) 'Cycle through points' For k = 1 To mapRegs.Item(i).getBit(j).getNumPoints 'Add point to shape' reg_shape.AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, temp_bit.getPoint(k).GetX() * mx + cx, temp_bit.getPoint(k).GetY() * my + cy Next 'Convert to shape' If mapRegs.Item(i).getFill() = True Then Set t = reg_shape.ConvertToShape With t .name = mapRegs.Item(i).getName .fill.ForeColor.RGB = mapRegs.Item(i).getColour2() .Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0) .Line.Weight = 0.25 End With rs.Add t End If Set reg_shape = Nothing Next Next Set mc1.reg_shapes = rs mcCount = mcCount + 1 mcd.Add mcCount, mc1 End Sub
And there it is, a way to create reasonable and extensible maps in Excel.
Presumably you could combine the two parts of the macro and create the shapes directly from the file. It might be easier. However, splitting the code makes it easier to change the subroutine to load in different map formats.
One limitation that I've found in Excel 2013 is that the shapes seem to default to a mitre join. This makes the maps look horrendous. There is no way to programmatically change the joins to round. You have to manually create a shape, change the join type, set the shape as the default type and then run the macro. Odd.
As usual, comments are welcome.
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